Playmaking Responsibility
Estimate of the share of the responsibility a player has for the creation of offence of the team.
Estimate of Assists on missed shots = Assists of the player * (((Field shots of the team – field shots of the player) / (field goals of the team – field shots of the player))) – Assists of the player
Playmaking Responsibility = (Field shots of the player + turnovers of the player + received 7m of the player + Assists of the player + estimate of Assists on missed shots of the player) / (Field shots of the team + turnovers of the team+ received 7m of the team)
The higher the more responsibility the player has for the creation of offence of the team. Through the estimation of assists on missed shots an attempt is made to take into account assists on passes that teammates were unable to convert.
Offensive responsibility is similar but only includes the direct ending of the attack, not the creation through assists.