Januar 2022
The shot-stopping stars of the EHF EURO 2022
An analysis of goalkeepers at EHF EURO 2022 based on „goalkeeper efficiency“ a new metric based on the idea of expected saves: Read it here.
A close look at Iceland’s success
A detailed analysis of Iceland, their win against France and their star Ómar Ingi Magnusson is now available on the homepage of the EHF EURO 2022..
In numbers: Look back at EHF EURO 2020 and ahead to 2022
I looked back at EHF EURO 2020 and ahead to EHF EURO 2022 in numbers. You can read the article here.
Digitalisation opens new era for handball
My first article for the EHF EURO takes a look at the evolution and possibilities of statistics and data from tally sheets to tracking data.
Recent Posts
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- How Hungary made it to the semi-final
- 'Stats Counter' on eurohandball.com (61)
- 'ÜberZahl' on daikin-hbl.de (48)
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